Australian national University

Universitas Nasional Australia (Australian National University atau ANU) adalah universitas riset publik terkemuka yang terletak di Canberra, ibu kota Australia. Didirikan pada tahun 1946, ANU telah mendapatkan reputasi sebagai salah satu institusi terkemuka di Australia dalam hal keunggulan akademik, penelitian, dan inovasi. Universitas ini menawarkan berbagai program sarjana dan pascasarjana di berbagai bidang studi, termasuk seni dan ilmu sosial, bisnis dan ekonomi, teknik dan ilmu komputer, hukum, kedokteran, dan ilmu pengetahuan. ANU terkenal dengan standar akademik yang ketat, memberikan lingkungan belajar yang menantang dan penuh daya intelektual.

ANU diakui secara internasional atas kemampuan penelitiannya dan telah memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam bidang-bidang seperti astronomi, ilmu lingkungan, ilmu politik, arkeologi, dan ekonomi. Universitas ini memiliki fasilitas penelitian dan institut kelas dunia yang mendorong kolaborasi dan menarik para pakar dan ilmuwan terkemuka dari berbagai belahan dunia. 


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Advanced Computing (Research and Development) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Software Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Research and Development) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) – Science
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Accounting
  • Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of Asian Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Asian Studies (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Development Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Actuarial
  • Bachelor of Statistics
  • Bachelor of Statistics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Finance (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Finance, Economics and Statistics (Honours)
  • Diploma of Languages
  • Diploma of Studies
  • Bachelor of Archaeological Practice (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship
  • Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of Asian Studies
  • Bachelor of Asian Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Asian Studies (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs
  • Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Affairs (Ritsumeikan)
  • Bachelor of Classical Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Criminology
  • Bachelor of Criminology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Design
  • Bachelor of Design (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Development Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Development Studies (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of European Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Business
  • Bachelor of International Relations
  • Bachelor of International Relations (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Relations (With Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of International Security Studies
  • Bachelor of International Security Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Security Studies (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of Languages
  • Bachelor of Languages (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Languages (with Year in Asia)
  • Bachelor of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Music (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Pacific Studies
  • Bachelor of Pacific Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Political Science
  • Bachelor of Political Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Public Policy
  • Bachelor of Public Policy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts
  • Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours
  • Diploma of Studies
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Criminology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Development Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability
  • Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Environment and Sustainability Advanced (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical Science
  • Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) – Science
  • Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) / Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Science (Psychology) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (with Year in Asia)
  • Diploma of Studies
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Genetics
  • Bachelor of Genetics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Health Science
  • Bachelor of Health Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical Science
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)