bond University


Bond University Australia adalah universitas swasta terkemuka yang terletak di Gold Coast, Queensland. Dikenal dengan pendekatan pendidikan inovatifnya, Bond University menawarkan pengalaman belajar yang personal dan berpusat pada mahasiswa. Universitas ini fokus pada kelas kecil, memberikan perhatian individual kepada mahasiswa dan membangun komunitas yang erat. Dengan penekanan kuat pada keterampilan praktis dan keterlibatan industri, Bond University mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk karir yang sukses di berbagai bidang. Universitas ini menawarkan beragam program sarjana dan pascasarjana di bidang seperti bisnis, hukum, ilmu kesehatan, komunikasi, dan lainnya. Kampus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas modern, termasuk perpustakaan, pusat penelitian, dan akomodasi mahasiswa. Selain itu, Bond University memiliki kehidupan kampus yang aktif, dengan banyak klub mahasiswa, tim olahraga, dan acara sosial. Dengan program akademik yang luar biasa, lingkungan yang mendukung, dan lokasi yang indah, Bond University Australia adalah pilihan yang ideal bagi mahasiswa yang mencari pendidikan berkualitas tinggi dan pengalaman universitas yang berkesan.


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Sport Management
  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation
  • Bachelor of Legal Transformation
  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation / Bachelor of Global Studies (Sustainability)
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management
  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Social Science
  • Bachelor of International Relations/Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Science
  • Bachelor of Business Data Analytics
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Science/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Design in Architecture
  • Diploma of Built Environment
  • Bachelor of Communication (Business)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts
  • Bachelor of Journalism
  • Bachelor of Digital Transformation
  • Bachelor of Film and Television
  • Bachelor of Communication
  • Bachelor of Journalism/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Communication (Business)/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Digital Transformation/Bachelor of Laws
  • Diploma of Creative Design
  • Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science
  • Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Performance
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Health Transformation
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Health Transformation/Bachelor of Health Sciences
  • Diploma of Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours)

Specialisations: Primary Education, Business and Economics, Teaching in English, Early Childhood Education, Special Educational Needs

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Policy, Philosophy and Economics
  • Bachelor of Global Studies (Sustainability)
  • Bachelor of International Relations
  • Diploma of Art
  • Bachelor of Social Science
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Bachelor of Criminal Justice and Criminology
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
