curtin University australia


Curtin University adalah universitas bergengsi di Australia yang terkenal karena keunggulan akademik dan penelitian inovatif. Terletak di Perth, universitas ini menawarkan lingkungan belajar yang dinamis dan menarik mahasiswa dari seluruh dunia. Curtin University memiliki beragam program studi dan fokus pada pembelajaran praktis serta keterlibatan industri. Dengan fasilitas modern dan kemitraan industri, universitas ini berkomitmen untuk penelitian terdepan dan inovasi. Curtin University juga membanggakan komunitas kampus yang inklusif dan multikultural, yang mendorong pertukaran budaya. Sebagai institusi pendidikan terkemuka, Curtin University mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk sukses dalam dunia yang terus berubah dengan memperoleh pemahaman global dan keterampilan yang relevan di bidang yang mereka minati.


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Innovation
  • Bachelor of Laws



  1. Accounting
  2. Audit Analytics
  3. Business Information Systems
  4. Business Information Systems Extension
  5. Business Law
  6. Economics
  7. Finance
  8. Financial Planning
  9. Human Resource Management
  10. International Business
  11. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  12. Management
  13. Marketing
  14. Property Investment and Development
  15. Property Development and Valuation Extension
  16. Taxation
  17. Tourism and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Agribusiness
  • Bachelor of Science



  1. Agriculture Science
  2. Coastal and Marine Science
  3. Food Science
  4. Environmental Science
  • Bachelor of Architectural Science
  • Bachelor of Construction Management
  • Bachelor of Geography
  • Interior Architecture
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts 
  • Bachelor of Communications 
  • Bachelor of Design
  • Bachelor of Social Work
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Psychology and Human Resource Management
  • Bachelor of Education
  • Bachelor of Educational Studies
  • Bachelor of Computer Systems and Networking
  • Bachelor of Engineering
  • Bachelor of Mine and Engineering Surveying
  • Bachelor of Surveying



  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Civil and Construction Engineering
  3. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  4. Environmental Engineering
  5. Extractive Metallurgy
  6. Industrial and Systems Engineering
  7. Mechanical Engineering
  8. Mechatronic Engineering
  9. Metallurgical Engineering
  10. Mining
  11. Mining Engineering
  12. Petroleum Engineering
  • Bachelor of Advanced Biomedical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
  • Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Surgery
  • Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Enrolled Nurse to Registered Nurse stream (BSc Nursing)
  • Bachelor of Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Health Data specialisation (BSc Health Sciences)
  • Bachelor of Health Promotion
  • Bachelor of Health, Safety and Environment
  • Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Science
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor of Oral Health Therapy
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Psychology
  • Bachelor of Psychology and Human Resource Management
  • Bachelor of Social Work
  • Bachelor of Speech Pathology
  • Bachelor of Computing
  • Bachelor of Information Technology


  1. Business Information Systems
  2. Computer Science
  3. Cyber Security
  4. Information and Communication Technology
  5. Software Development
  6. Software Engineering
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Science
  • Bachelor of Advanced Biomedical Sciences
  • (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science
  • Bachelor of Advanced Science
  • Bachelor of Applied Geology
  • Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
  • Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science
  • Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science
  • Bachelor of Science


  1. Biochemistry
  2. Chemistry
  3. Coastal and Marine Science
  4. Data Science
  5. Extractive Metallurgy
  6. Mathematics
  7. Physics
  • Bachelor of Advanced Science


  1. Chemistry (Advanced)
  2. Coastal and Marine Science (Advanced)
  3. Data Science (Advanced)
  4. Earth Sciences (Advanced)
  5. Environmental Science (Advanced)
  6. Financial Mathematics (Advanced)
  7. Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Advanced)
  8. Physics (Advanced)
