Vol. 1
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Kampus MANAJEMEN Terbaik!!!
Sekilas Tentang UUM
Universiti Utara Malaysia merupakan Universitas Negeri ke-6 yang didirikan di Malaysia. UUM terletak di Semenanjung Utara Malaysia yaitu Kedah yang berbatasan langsung dengan District Sadao, Thailand dan kampus cabang di Kuala Lumpur untuk S2 dan S3.
UUM merupakan kampus yang difokuskan dalam bidang BISNIS dan MANAJEMEN. Selain itu, Universiti Utara Malaysia adalah satu-satunya Universitas di Malaysia yang MENYEDIAKAN AKOMODASI untuk lebih dari 22.000 MAHASISWA.
Ranking Dunia Universiti Utara Malaysia
Mencatat Ranking 21 Asian University Rankings – Southeast Asia. Dan Ranking 108 World University Rankings: Asia 2023.
- Bachelor of Accounting (Information System) with Honours
- Bachelor of Accounting with Honours
- Bachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking with Honours
- Bachelor of Muamalat Administration with Honours
- Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Marketing with Honours
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship with Honours
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Information Technology
- Bachelor of Technology Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Logistics and Transportation) with Honours
- Bachelor of Operations Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Science Economics with Honours
- Bachelor of Finance with Honours
- Bachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking with Honours
- Bachelor of Risk Management and Insurance with Honours
- Bachelor of Science Agribusiness Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Golf Management) with Honours
- Bachelor of Creative Industry Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Business Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Decision Science)
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Industrial Statistics)
- Bachelor of Communication with Honours
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Multimedia)
- Bachelor of Education with Honours (Accounting)*
- Bachelor of Education with Honours (Business Management)
- Bachelor of Education with Honours (Guidance and Counselling)*
- Bachelor of Education with Honours (Information Technology)*
- Bachelor of Education with Honours (Moral Education)*
- Bachelor of Applied History with Honours
- Bachelor of Applied Linguistics and Business Administration with Honours
- Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary Literature and Creative Industry Management (Honours)
- Bachelor of Counselling with Honours*
- Bachelor of Social Work Management with Honours*
- Bachelor of Science with Honours (Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours
- Bachelor of Media Technology with Honours
- Bachelor of Philosophy, Law and Business with Honours
- Bachelor of International Affairs Management with Honours
- Bachelor of International Business Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Hospitality Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Tourism Management with Honours
- Bachelor of Event Management with Honours
Registrasi Kampus
Rp 3.000.000
Rp 1.000.000
Kenapa Harus Kuliah di UUM?
Top Rank University
UUM termasuk kedalam TOP 10 Universities di Malaysia.
Fasilitas akademik dan non-akademik yang lengkap dan mendukung.
Biaya kuliah tidak berbeda jauh dari Indonesia.
Supportive Environment
Lokasi kampus yang aman, tenang, dan jauh dari distraksi.
Unmissable deals
Dapatkan promo pendaftaran sebesar 45%. Kuota terbatas!
Student handbook
Buku panduan untuk lebih mengenal UUM.
Free consultation
Bebas konsultasi apapun sesuai dream career path kamu!