Universiti Putra Malaysia



Universiti Putra Malaysia yang awalnya bernama Universiti Pertanian Malaysia berdiri tahun 1931 dan berubah menjadi Universiti Putra Malaysia di 1971 sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dengan ranking no-2 di Malaysia dan ranking ke 4 di Asia Tenggara menurut QS World University Rankings dan juga merupakan Universitas yang berfokus pada Ilmu Agrikultur dan Sains.

Saat ini, UPM menjadi tempat untuk 4,500 mahasiswa internasional dengan total sekitar 30,000 mahasiswa yang sedang berkuliah untuk meraih gelar sesuai jurusan masing-masing.


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Horticultural Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science Plantation Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture with Honours
  • Bachelor of Agriculture in Animal Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Microbiology with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology with Honours
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Computer System) with Honours
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Multimedia) with Honours
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Computer Network) with Honours
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Architecture with Honours
  • Bachelor of Industrial Design with Honours
  • Bachelor of Economics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Accounting (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours


  • Bachelor of Education in Home Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Education in Physical Education with Honours
  • Bachelor of Education in Guidance and Counselling with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science Human Resource Development with Honours
  • Bachelor of Counselling with Honours
  • Bachelor of Food Science and Technology with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Studies with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Service Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Food Manufacturing Operations with Honours
  • Bachelor of Forestry Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Wood Science and Technology with Honours
  • Bachelor of Parks & Recreation Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Environmental Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Environmental Science and Technology with Honours
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  • Bachelor of Communication with Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts in French Language Studies with Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts in German Language Studies with Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts in Arabic Language with Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language Studies with Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Linguistics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Material Physics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation Physics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Chemistry with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Statistics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Process and Food Engineering with Honours
  • Doctor of Medicine
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science Dietetics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science Nutrition and Community Health with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science Environmental & Occupational Health with Honours
  • Bachelor of Nursing wih Honours
  • Bachelor of Human Development Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Human Development Science with Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Human Development Science with Information Technology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Consumer Studies with Honours
  • Bachelor of Music with Honours
  • Bachelor of Bio industrial Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Forestry Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture with Honours
  • Bachelor of Human Development Science with Management (Honours)