Universiti Utara Malaysia



Universiti Utara Malaysia merupakan universitas negeri ke-6 yang didirikan di Malaysia dan diprakarsai oleh Perdana Menteri ke-7 Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Muhammad. Diresmikan pada 16 Februari 1984, UUM terletak di Semenanjung Utara Malaysia yaitu Kedah yang berbatasan langsung dengan District Sadao, Thailand dan kampus cabang di Kuala Lumpur untuk S2 dan S3.

Kampus seluas 1.061 hektar ini merupakan kampus yang difokuskan dalam bidang bisnis dan manajemen. Selain itu, Universiti Utara Malaysia adalah satu-satunya universitas di Malaysia yang menyediakan akomodasi untuk lebih dari 22.000 mahasiswa.


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Bachelor of Science Economics with Honours
  • Bachelor of Finance with Honours
  • Bachelor of Banking with Honours
  • Bachelor of Risk Management and Insurance with Honours
  • Bachelor of Sciences Agribusiness Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Creative Industry Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours (Information Technology)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours
  • Bachelor of Accounting with Honours
  • Bachelor of Accounting (Information System) with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours (Business Mathematics)
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours (Industrial Statistics)
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours (Decision Science)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours
  • Bachelor of Human Resource Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Marketing with Honours
  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship with Honours
  • Bachelor of Law with Honours
  • Bachelor of Technology Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Logistics & Transportation) with Honours

Bachelor of Operations Management with Honours

  • Bachelor of Hospitality Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Tourism Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Event Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Islamic Finance and Banking with Honours
  • Bachelor of Public Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of Development Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of International Business Management with Honours
  • Bachelor of International Affairs Management with Honours