University of Adelaide

University Adelaide

Universitas Adelaide (University of Adelaide) adalah sebuah universitas terkemuka yang terletak di Adelaide, Australia Selatan. Didirikan pada tahun 1874, universitas ini memiliki sejarah panjang dan reputasi yang kuat dalam bidang akademik, penelitian, dan inovasi. Universitas Adelaide menawarkan berbagai program sarjana dan pascasarjana di berbagai disiplin ilmu, termasuk ilmu sains, teknik, kedokteran, hukum, bisnis, seni, dan humaniora. Dengan fokus yang kuat pada keunggulan akademik, universitas ini menawarkan pengajaran yang berkualitas tinggi dan mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan pemikiran kritis, keterampilan analitis, dan pemahaman mendalam dalam bidang studi mereka.

Universitas Adelaide juga dikenal karena penelitian yang inovatif dan berdampak besar. Universitas Adelaide memiliki fasilitas penelitian yang canggih dan berkolaborasi dengan industri, pemerintah, dan institusi internasional untuk menghasilkan penemuan yang signifikan dan solusi nyata bagi tantangan global. Selain itu, universitas ini menyediakan lingkungan belajar yang aktif dan mendukung bagi mahasiswa, dengan fasilitas kampus yang modern, perpustakaan lengkap, klub dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, serta berbagai layanan mahasiswa untuk mendukung keberhasilan akademik dan kesejahteraan mahasiswa.


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Diploma in Business
  • Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Bachelor of Commerce – Melbourne Campus
  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Economics (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Health Service Management – Online
  • Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor of International Business – Online
  • Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  • Bachelor of Project Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Finance (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Economics (Honours)

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical and Electronic) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental and Climate Solutions) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Finance and Banking with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
  • Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Economics with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Construction Management
  • Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Engineering Pathway
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Flexible Entry
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Architectural and Structural)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum) with major
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Software)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental and Climate Solutions)
  • Bachelor of Architectural Design
  • Bachelor of Construction Management
  • Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management
  • Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation
  • Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience)

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Environmental and Climate Solutions) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum) with Bachelor of Science
  • Diploma in Arts
  • Diploma in Languages
  • Diploma in Music (Commercial Music and Song Writing)
  • Diploma in Music (Music Production)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Criminology
  • Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management
  • Bachelor of International Development
  • Bachelor of International Relations
  • Bachelor of Languages
  • Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  • Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Criminology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Environmental Policy and Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Development (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Relations (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Sociology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts
  • Bachelor of Media
  • Bachelor of Media (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts
  • Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Music (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Music (Classical Performance)
  • Bachelor of Music (Classical Voice)
  • Bachelor of Music (Jazz Performance)
  • Bachelor of Music (Music Composition)
  • Bachelor of Music (Music Education and Pedagogy)
  • Bachelor of Music (Musicology)
  • Bachelor of Music (Popular Music)
  • Bachelor of Music (Sonic Arts)
  • Bachelor of Music Theatre

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) with Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) with Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Music
  • Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Criminology with Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Economics
  • Bachelor of International Relations with Bachelor of Media
  • Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Criminology
  • Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Medical Studies
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery
  • Bachelor of Oral Health
  • Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours) – Teaching Hospitals
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Nursing – North Terrace Campus, Teaching Hospitals
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Advanced)(Honours)
  • Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Advanced)(Honours)
  • Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Media with Bachelor of Sociology
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Health Service Management – Online
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences – Roseworthy Campus, Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics – North Terrace Campus, Waite CampusNEW
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science – North Terrace Campus, Waite Campus, Regency Park
  • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (Honours) – North Terrace Campus, Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Science (Advanced)(Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience)
  • Bachelor of Science (Space Sc & Astrophysics)
  • Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) – North Terrace Campus, Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Science in High Performance Computational Physics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Technology – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology – Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology (Honours) – Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (Honours) – Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Information Technology – Melbourne Campus
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences – Roseworthy Campus, Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Marine and Wildlife Conservation
  • Bachelor of Science (Animal Behaviour) – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Bioscience) – North Terrace Campus, Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Technology – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Information Technology – Melbourne Campus
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Analytics – North Terrace Campus, Waite Campus

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of Arts with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Electrical & Electronic) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Environmental and Climate Solutions) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mechanical) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Mining) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Petroleum) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) with Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences – Roseworthy Campus, Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science – North Terrace Campus, Waite Campus, Regency Park
  • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (Honours) – North Terrace Campus, Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
  • Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) – Roseworthy Campus
  • Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology – Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Viticulture and Oenology (Honours) – Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science (Honours) – Waite Campus
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours)