University of new south wales
Universitas New South Wales (UNSW) adalah institusi pendidikan terkemuka yang diakui secara internasional yang terletak di Sydney, Australia. Berdiri sejak tahun 1949, UNSW telah berkembang menjadi salah satu universitas riset dan pengajaran terbaik di negara tersebut. UNSW menawarkan berbagai program akademik dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, termasuk seni, bisnis, teknik, sains, hukum, kedokteran, dan lain-lain.
UNSW terkenal karena dedikasinya dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian, dan inovasi. Universitas ini bangga dalam menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang dinamis dan bersemangat yang mendorong pemikiran kritis, kreativitas, dan kolaborasi antara mahasiswa dan fakultas. Dengan fasilitas modern dan dosen-dosen terkemuka, UNSW menyediakan mahasiswa dengan alat dan sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk meraih keunggulan di bidang yang mereka pilih.
Our Great Vision & Mission
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- Bachelor of Construction Management and Property
- Bachelor of Architectural Studies
- Bachelor of Media/Social Science
- Bachelor of Politics Philosophy and Economics
- Bachelor of Fine Arts/Media
- Bachelor of Arts/Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts/Arts
- Bachelor of Media
- Bachelor of Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Fine Arts
- Bachelor of Fine Arts/Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours)
- Bachelor of City Planning (Honours)
- Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)
- Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)/Social Sciences
- Bachelor of Music (Honours)
- Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences (Honours)
- Bachelor of Art Theory (Honours)
- Bachelor of Media Arts (Honours)
- Bachelor of Design (Honours)
- Bachelor of Construction Management and Property (Honours)
- Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours)
- Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours
- Bachelor of Architecture Studies (Honours)
- Bachelor of Media (Honours)
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (Honours)
- Bachelor of Computational Design (Honours)
- Bachelor of Design/Media
- Bachelor of Social Work/Arts
- Bachelor of Design/Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Design
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Engineering Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Master of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Commerce
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Computer Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Science
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Civil)/Surveying
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Arts
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Aerospace Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Bioinformatics)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical Product Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Civil with Architecture)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Computer)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Environmental)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mining)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Petroleum)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Photovoltaics and Solar Energy)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Quantum Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Renewable Energy)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Surveying)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Software)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Telecommunications)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Aviation (Management)
- Bachelor of Economics/Science
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
- Bachelor of Economics/Computer Science
- Bachelor of Economics/Arts
- Bachelor of Information Systems
- Bachelor of Commerce/Fine Arts
- Bachelor of Commerce/Media
- Bachelor of Commerce/Information Systems
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce/Economics
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Commerce
- Bachelor of Commerce/Computer Science
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Acturial Studies (Co-op)
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Economics
- Bachelor of Commerce/Science
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Computer Science
- Bachelor of Acturial Studies/Science
- Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op)
- Bachelor of Commerce International
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Information Systems
- Bachelor of Commerce/Arts
- Bachelor of Economics/Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)
- Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)/Commerce
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) (Honours)
- Bachelor of Economics/Advanced Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Advanced Science (Honours)
- Bachelor of Economics (Honours)
- Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Honours)
- Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
- Bachelor of Commerce/Design
- Bachelor of Vision Science
- Bachelor of Public Health
- Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine
- Bachelor of Vision Science/Master of Clinical Optometry
- Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine/Arts
- Bachelor of Exercise/Master of Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology
- Bachelor of Pharmaceutical/Master of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Applied Exercise Science/Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Bachelor of Nutrition/Master of Dietetics and Food Innovation
- Bachelor of Business (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Science (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Civil (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Computing and Cyber Security (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Aeronautical (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Technology (Aeronautical Engineering) (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Arts (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electrical (Canberra)
- Bachelor of Engieering (Honours) Mechanical (Canberra)