University of wollongong


Universitas Wollongong (University of Wollongong) adalah sebuah universitas terkemuka yang terletak di Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. Didirikan pada tahun 1951, universitas ini memiliki reputasi yang kuat dalam hal pendidikan berkualitas, penelitian inovatif, dan keterlibatan komunitas. Universitas Wollongong menawarkan berbagai program sarjana dan pascasarjana di berbagai disiplin ilmu, termasuk sains, teknik, bisnis, seni, kesehatan, pendidikan, dan humaniora. Dengan fokus yang kuat pada pendekatan praktis dan kolaboratif, universitas ini mendorong siswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan yang relevan dengan industri dan mempersiapkan mereka untuk dunia kerja yang dinamis. Universitas Wollongong juga dikenal karena penelitian yang bermutu tinggi dan memiliki fasilitas penelitian yang canggih. Dengan lingkungan belajar yang ramah dan inklusif, universitas ini memberikan dukungan akademik yang kuat, fasilitas kampus yang modern, dan berbagai kesempatan ekstrakurikuler untuk memastikan pengalaman belajar yang berharga bagi mahasiswa.


Our Great Vision & Mission

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  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)
  • Bachelor of Business (Finance)
  • Bachelor of Economics & Finance
  • Bachelor of Business (Business Analytics)
  • Bachelor of Business (Economics)
  • Bachelor of Business (Financial Planning)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)
  • Bachelor of Business (Business Analytics)
  • Bachelor of Business (Business Law)
  • Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
  • Bachelor of Business (International Business)
  • Bachelor of Business (Management)
  • Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
  • Bachelor of Business (Public Relations)
  • Bachelor of Business (Sustainable Business)
  • Bachelor of Business (Sport Marketing and Management)
  • Bachelor of Business (Supply Chain Management)
  • Bachelor of Business – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Events
  • Bachelor of Business – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Business – TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel & Tourism
  • Bachelor of Business (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media (Digital & Social Media)
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media (Screen Media Production)
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media (Journalism)
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media (Marketing Communication and Advertising)
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media (Visual Communication Design)
  • Bachelor of Journalism

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of Communication & Media | Bachelor of Journalism
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media | Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Communication & Media
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media | Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media | Bachelor of Creative Arts
  • Bachelor of Communication & Media | Bachelor of International Studies
  • Bachelor of Business Information Systems
  • Bachelor of Business Information Systems (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security) – Cyber Academy
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean’s Scholar)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Digital Systems Security)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Game & Mobile Development)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Engineering)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Network Design & Management)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Dean’s Scholar)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Web Design & Development)
  • Bachelor of Technology
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Computer and Autonomous Systems Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Telecommunications Engineering and Internet of Things
  • Bachelor of Research (Engineering & Information Sciences)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Writing & English Literatures)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts | Bachelor of Communication & Media
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts & Design)
  • Bachelor of Performance and Theatre

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of Arts – Bachelor of International Studies
  • Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation – Bachelor of Creative Arts
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Journalism
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts – Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of International Studies
  • Bachelor of Journalism – Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Architectural Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Biomedical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Computer and Autonomous Systems Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Environmental Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Flexible First Year
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Materials Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Mechatronic Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Mining Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Telecommunications Engineering and Internet of Things
  • Bachelor of Technology
  • Bachelor of Research (Engineering & Information Sciences)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Photography)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Writing & English Literatures)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts | Bachelor of Communication & Media
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts & Design)
  • Bachelor of Performance and Theatre
  • Bachelor of Education – The Early Years
  • Bachelor of Education – The Early Years (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Primary Education
  • Bachelor of Primary Education (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Health and Physical Education
  • Bachelor of Health and Physical Education (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Mathematics Education
  • Bachelor of Science Education
  • Bachelor of Sport
  • Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology)
  • Bachelor of Science (Environment)
  • Bachelor of Science (Environment & Heritage Management)
  • Bachelor of Marine Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Geology)
  • Bachelor of Science (Marine Science)
  • Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
  • Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Cell and Molecular Biology)
  • Bachelor of Exercise Science
  • Bachelor of Exercise Science & Rehabilitation
  • Bachelor of Nutrition Science
  • Bachelor of Nutrition & Dietetics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Public Health
  • Bachelor of Public Health (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours)(Dean’s Scholar)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Occupational Health and Safety)
  • Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Archaeology & Ancient History)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Community, Culture & Environment)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Environmental Humanities)
  • Bachelor of Arts (History)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Indigenous Studies)
  • Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Legal Studies)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Politics)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
  • Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Communication & Media
  • Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation
  • Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (Global Sustainable Development)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (International History)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (International Relations)
  • Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics
  • Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Research (Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities)
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
  • Bachelor of Arts (English Literatures)
  • Bachelor of Arts (French)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Indigenous Studies)
  • Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Japanese)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Mandarin for Character Background Students)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Mandarin for Non-Chinese Background Students)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Spanish)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Writing & English Literatures)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation
  • Bachelor of International Studies (Global Sustainable Development)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (International History)
  • Bachelor of International Studies (International Relations)
  • Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics
  • Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
  • Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Statistics)
  • Bachelor of Mathematics (Pure Mathematics)
  • Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced
  • Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Mathematics Education
  • Bachelor of Maths & Finance (Hons) (Dean’s Scholar)
  • Bachelor of Maths & Finance (Hons) (Financial Planning)
  • Bachelor of Maths & Finance (Hons) (Quantitative & Computational Trading)
  • Bachelor of Maths & Finance (Hons) (Quantitative Corporate Finance & Investments)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics
  • Bachelor of Medical & Radiation Physics Adv (Hon)
  • Bachelor of Science (Atmospheric Science)
  • Bachelor of Science (Nuclear and Space Radiation Technology)
  • Bachelor of Science (Biomolecular Physics)
  • Bachelor of Science (Physics)
  • Bachelor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)
  • Bachelor of Science Adv (Hon) (Atmospheric Science)
  • Bachelor of Science Adv (Hon) (Biomolecular Physics)
  • Bachelor of Science Advanced (Hon) (Physics)
  • Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health
  • Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours)(Dean’s Scholar)
  • Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Conversion)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
  • Bachelor of Neuroscience
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Social Work
  • Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)

Double Degree

  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) – Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) – Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Neuroscience
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Social Science
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) – Bachelor of Business
  • Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
  • Bachelor of Social Science
  • Bachelor of Social Science – Honours
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Sociology)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology)
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science – Bachelor of Social Science
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology)
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Criminology) – Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Public Health
  • Bachelor of Public Health (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services)
  • Bachelor of Social Work
  • Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Community, Culture & Environment)
  • Bachelor of Geography
  • Bachelor of Science (Human Geography)
  • Bachelor of Social Science (Human Geography)
  • Bachelor of Sustainable Communities
