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Taylor’s University Malaysia adalah sebuah universitas swasta terkemuka yang terletak di Malaysia. Universitas ini didirikan pada tahun 1969 dan telah menjadi salah satu institusi pendidikan terkemuka di negara tersebut.

Taylor’s University merupakan universitas dengan peringkat ke-7 di Asia Tenggara menurut QS World Rankings 2025. Menawarkan berbagai program studi di tingkat sarjana dan pascasarjana dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, termasuk bisnis, hukum, seni kreatif, komunikasi, teknologi informasi, kedokteran gigi, farmasi, dan banyak lagi. Universitas ini juga menawarkan program-program pendidikan vokasional dan diploma.

Kualitas pendidikan di Taylor’s University diakui secara internasional. Universitas ini memiliki fakultas yang berkualitas dengan pengalaman akademik dan industri yang luas. Kurikulum yang diberikan didesain untuk memastikan lulusan siap menghadapi tantangan dunia kerja.

Gallery Universitas

Daftar Jurusan Universitas

  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture
  • Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sustainable Digital Construction Management
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture
  • Bachelor of Food Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Business (Honours)

Specialisations: Digital Marketing & Analytics, Finance, International Business, Management & Marketing

  • Bachelor in Accounting (Fintech) (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Business (Honours) in International Business and Marketing
  • Bachelor of Banking and Finance (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Finance and Economics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Honours) in Team Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)

Specialisations: Data Science, Cyber Security, Mobile Computing, Artificial Intelligence

  • Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)

Specialisations: Internet Technologies, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Game Design

  • Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Specialisations: Graphic Design, UI/UX, Digital Animation, Simulation Design, Immersive Design, Entertainment Design
  • Bachelor of Fashion Design Technology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Interactive Spatial Design (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours)

Specialisations: Primary Education, Business and Economics, Teaching in English, Early Childhood Education, Special Educational Needs

  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with
  • Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with
  • Bachelor of Robotic Design and Development (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Culinary Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Culinology
  • Bachelor of Patisserie Arts (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Hospitality Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Events Management (Honours)
  • Bachelor of International Tourism Management (Honours)