Udah siap kuliah di Malaysia ?

Pilih program studimu disini!

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Bachelor of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Arts Anthropology and Sociology

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Arts English

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Arts International and Strategic Studies

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Environmental Studies

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Geography

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Malay Linguistics

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Malay Literature

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Malay Studies

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Muamalat Management

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Professional Malay Language

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Shariah

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Shariah and Law

Universiti Malaya

Bachelor of Usuluddin

Universiti Malaya